17 18 weeks pregnant sensations

The future mother is already well aware that very soon her little man will be born. Now he moves, and the woman managed to see him on the ultrasound. Therefore, it is quite natural that the future mother in the 18th week of pregnancy is forming a desire to buy clothes and first furniture for her crumbs.

What happens in the 18th week of pregnancy in a woman’s body

In the body of a woman there is a retention of fluid and sodium, which leads to swelling of the arms and legs. In connection with pregnancy, the kidneys work in an intensive way, therefore, no infection should be allowed: for this, it is necessary to monitor the timely emptying of the bladder.

Active growth of the uterus provokes stress on all organs and systems. In this regard, women have back pain. However, if they become too strong, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, many moms have already felt the movement of the fetus, and even the pressure on the navel from the inside has been suppressed by the pleasant impressions of them. This is due to the growth of the uterus, the bottom of which is 2.5 cm below the navel.

Now the uterus is about the size of a small melon, and along with its growth, the size of the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy increases.

Fetal development and size in the 18th week of pregnancy

18 obstetric week is the 5th month of pregnancy. The kid is getting bigger: now he is grimacing, hiccups, sometimes a reflex smile appears on his face. There are small nails on the fingers. Hands crumbs often grab each other.

The emotional state of the baby is largely dependent on her mother's mood: with her irritability, the baby experiences anxiety. In the same way he knows how to rejoice.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the child squeezes his fingers into cams, touches his face with his hands. Now mother's emotions are very important for the future correct attitude of the baby to itself. If the mother is worried and worried all the time, then the baby will grow up insecure. But with positive emotions during pregnancy, the baby will become a cheerful person.

Ends the formation of the organ of vision, and now the baby can see the light. The baby has well developed organs of hearing and the central nervous system, he is able to memorize the voices of loved ones. The size of the fetus in the 18th week of pregnancy is about 20 cm.

The bones of the child continue to accumulate calcium, so now the expectant mother really needs it. The baby has developed its own mode. He is awake and sleeps at 4-hour intervals. However, the regime of the little man usually does not coincide with my mother's daily routine. At the 18th week of pregnancy, fetal movement occurs mainly at night, which prevents mother from sleeping.

The legs, handles and phalanxes of the baby’s fingers are fully formed. The genitals complete development, and the brain continues to improve. The crumbs gradually receive fatty tissue. Finished the formation of the rudiments of molars.

Feelings of mom in the 18th week of pregnancy

Now a woman feels more and more like a mother, because she feels the movement of a baby. Often at this time the baby is actively moving, but some expectant mothers say that there is still no movement at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy. If a doctor listens to the baby's heart without any problems, then there is no reason for concern: some women feel the fetus only at 20 weeks.

Discharge has become more abundant, so you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene. Normally, they are still white, yellowish or transparent.

Often, discomfort in the 18th week of pregnancy recedes, toxicosis ends, and the expectant mother feels good. However, some women may feel nauseous. If toxicosis continues, you should consult a specialist and change the usual diet.

If a baby in the 18th week of pregnancy moves too intensively and often, it may be lacking oxygen. The future mother needs to spend more time outdoors and not forget about special exercises for pregnant women.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should treat her baby with care. For this you need to follow some recommendations.


The body of the future mother requires calcium. Therefore, women need to eat dairy products and fish. Food future mothers should be varied and fractional. It is not advisable to eat several servings at dinner: it is better to divide the food into small portions and consume it during the day.

You should still abandon coffee and chocolate, as well as salty foods: they will provoke the intake of excess fluid, which is already a lot in the body. Smoked, fried and spicy dishes should be excluded.


If the future mother still does not take the vitamin and mineral complex, now is the time to do it, after consulting with a specialist. When it is possible to eat a large amount of berries, vegetables and fruits, it is best to get vitamins in them.

Additionally, a woman should drink jodomarin. At obstetric week 18, you can take calcium tablets, after consulting your doctor.

Sex on the 18th week of pregnancy

Many gynecologists recommend to continue intimate life until childbirth. However, if something worries the future mother, you should limit yourself to sex for a while. In the process of sexual intercourse, you must choose a comfortable position that does not harm the baby.

For restrictions on sex in the 18th week of pregnancy, there are certain circumstances that the doctor will tell you about, if any. The future mother perfectly feels her baby and can decide for herself at what moment to abandon intimacy with her spouse.

Physical activity

About the physical activity of the future mother should not be forgotten. She needs to perform the exercises recommended for the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy. It is best to visit the pool and engage in other sports that do not involve large loads.

A woman must take 30–60 minutes to walk. If there is a forest near the house, then it is better to walk in it. So the expectant mother will relax and calmly fall asleep.

Medicines and medical procedures

Future mother is still undesirable to take medication. Even the most inoffensive drugs are not recommended, if there are no serious indications for this. You can not self-medicate.

Possible problems

A woman should certainly consult a specialist if the uterus is in good shape. At the same time in the 18th week of pregnancy there are feelings of tension in the abdomen and pulling pain. This condition should not be ignored: it can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.

The abdomen at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy may hurt because of the growing uterus, which puts pressure on neighboring organs. If the pain is mild and passing, do not worry about it.

If there was spotting, the expectant mother urgently needs to tell the doctor about it. Green and brown discharges are also unacceptable, and in case of bleeding, an ambulance should be immediately called.

Examination at the 18th week of pregnancy: tests and ultrasound

Now the doctor will prescribe a urine test. Many expectant mothers in this period in the urine contains acetone, which indicates poor liver function. You also need to exclude diabetes and preeclampsia.

The specialist can refer to a blood test to eliminate anemia or to clarify the level of hCG. The latter should normally be about 4,000 to 165,000 mU / ml.

At 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes a second ultrasound scan, in which the expectant mother can recognize the sex of the baby, and the specialist can rule out possible abnormalities in the development of the baby.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At week 18, an IVF pregnancy specialist will also recommend the expectant mother to take a blood test for hCG.

Thanks to the test, it is possible to identify defects and other abnormalities in the development of the baby.

Multiple pregnancy

Babies in my mother's tummy becomes crowded, and they require a lot of space. With the wrong previa, the belly at the 18th week of pregnancy is not very big, but she feels an increase in the growth of babies.

Now the uterus rises very quickly, and this increases the risk of abortion. Therefore, mother in the 18th week of gestation should especially protect her babies.

Video of the eighteenth week of pregnancy

The second trimester has been going on for almost two months, during this time the baby has grown significantly and your tummy is becoming more distinct. Now is the most peaceful time when you need to replenish the nutrient reserves in the body, a lot of walking, relaxing and actively communicating with the crumbs. In this period, many women can already feel the movement of the fetus, which fills the mother with thrill and excitement. During this period, it is worth reviewing your diet by removing highly allergenic foods from it, since the fetal immune system is already working and can react to them.

What happens to the body at week 18

The 18th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month, its second week, according to a calendar period of four and a half months. In the midst of the second trimester of pregnancy - the most peaceful time, when the state of health and general condition are usually the best. The body of the woman has already acquired roundness, and great events take place inside the body. In order not to gain extra kilograms and not suffer from puffiness, you should carefully treat your diet and drink, avoid heavily salty and spicy foods, excess confectionery and flour products. The tummy this week is already clearly visible - it has grown significantly, has risen up and is clearly visible to everyone around. Due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts forward, which leads to a change in the curvature of the spine, its deflection in the lumbar spine and the deviation of the mother's shoulders. This gives pregnant women a special walk. In this period it is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as proper underwear - a bra with wide straps and without seams to support the chest and comfortable panties that do not squeeze the body. Also, many women will benefit from wearing a special support bandage that eliminates back and leg pain.

Due to the large uterus on the back it becomes uncomfortable to sleep, which requires new postures for rest and sleep, you can use special pillows for the lower back and legs.

Fetal development in the eighteenth week: weight size and sex

Now the baby is actively growing and improving, it is already a fully formed little man who grew from the tailbone to temechka by 14 cm (and entirely reaches 20 cm), and gained almost 200 g of weight. The growth of the uterus still allows the baby to feel relatively free in the stomach, he actively moves in the amniotic fluid - he makes turns, somersaults, moves his legs and arms, nods his head, touches the umbilical cord, pushes into the walls of the uterus. Doctors believe that such active movements are very useful for the fetus, due to them the zone of the motor cortex of the brain is actively developing and the musculoskeletal system of the fetus is being improved.

The fruit is being actively developed - its arms and legs are fully formed, and the legs are longer than the arms, the fingers and toes are actively divided into phalanxes. Finger pads have acquired a unique pattern that forms fingerprints. In children of both sexes, the genitals are fully formed, both external and internal. The fetus actively stores fatty tissue, brown fat is especially actively stored in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the whole body, and the brain is actively forming. The development of the fetal immune system is actively taking place. Now, the fetal immune organs can actively produce immunoglobulins and interferons that protect the fetus from viral and microbial infections. The rudiments of both milk and permanent teeth have already been fully formed, and the permanent teeth are located above the milk teeth and will appear in due time. The eyes of the fetus, although formed, but still closed, can actively respond to light. In addition, the crumbs are actively developed and hearing, it can perfectly distinguish the sounds of both my mother's body and sounds coming from outside. Therefore, it is now useful to talk a lot with the baby, to read fairy tales to him, to put on classical music and to avoid sharp frightening sounds. From such sounds, the child may die, worry.

In this period, you can accurately determine the sex of the baby with the help of an ultrasound examination, and prepare already for the birth of either the girl or the boy himself. Also in this period, many wives may already feel the first movements and movements of their baby. The bones of the child actively store calcium, and if the mother does not have enough of it, calcium will be extracted from the woman’s teeth and bones, which will lead to problems of the teeth and the need to visit the dentist.

A baby can form a certain mode of sleep and wakefulness, often not coinciding with her mother's, often in the future, the mother will feel the fetal movement in the moments of her rest. The baby can sleep for up to four hours straight.

Feelings of the future mother

The main sensations in this period of pregnancy may be the first movements of the fetus, which bring mom unspeakable joy - they can be very light and unclear, like water transfusions or barely noticeable jolts. Gradually, fetal movements will become more confident and strong. Usually the movements are felt in the period from 17 to 22 weeks, much depends on the build of the woman and the size of the fetus, the amount of fatty tissue on the abdomen. If you have not yet felt the stirring - no need to worry, soon you will feel it. Before the movement of the fetus feel thin women and re-pregnant. Usually, you can record from four to eight movements per hour. If movements are felt strongly and clearly, too often, this may be a sign of a lack of oxygen to the fetus. Then the child begins to move more actively to activate blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen. It is important that mother takes care of the baby, often going on walks, breathing deeply and calmly. You can also do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women, they will also help in the prevention of hypoxia.

The period of 18 weeks is quite calm in terms of sensations, with a normal pregnancy, the mother does not feel any discomfort, there can be only some inconveniences from an actively growing abdomen. You have not got used to the fact that it is, it is difficult for you to find a position for rest and sleep, since it is already impossible to lie on your stomach, and you can feel dizzy on your back. Sometimes mothers can touch the surrounding tummy with a growing tummy, still not getting used to the new “dimensions” of their body.

Get used to rest more often on the left side, in this position the blood circulation is most active, for the fetus and uterus it is easiest to take the correct position for childbirth. Get out of bed and learn through the side, you can not jump up abruptly from bed, it may darken in the eyes and dizzy. The breasts of the woman in this period are not so sensitive, but the juices have increased and darkened, there may be discharge of colostrum from the yellowish nipples. There is no need to worry, the breast is preparing to feed the baby in the future, and even if there is no colostrum until birth, this is also quite normal. Any manipulation of the juices can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, so nothing needs to be done with the breast.

The condition of the uterus in the 18th week of pregnancy

Due to the growth of the uterus, certain discomfort may arise from the pressure of the bottom of the uterus on the navel from the inside. This is because by this time the bottom of the uterus has almost reached the level of the navel, it may be 2-3 cm below it. If you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel the bottom of the uterus just below the navel, about two of your fingers. The uterus has reached the size of an average melon, and continues to grow actively upwards and sideways. From the level of the pubis, the uterus has risen by about 18 cm, and protrudes forward, giving a distinct growth of the abdomen in a circle. With a weak abdominal wall and thinness, the appearance of back pain, a prenatal bandage that can support the uterus in the correct position and relieve excessive pressure on the back and lower abdomen can be very useful from this period. Gymnastics for pregnant women and comfortable clothes with shoes also help to cope with discomfort. From this date, it is recommended to periodically take the knee-elbow position for unloading the back and internal organs, especially for the kidneys, as there is an improvement in urine outflow. And do not worry about the size of the abdomen - it depends on the strength of the abdominal muscles and the capacity of the pelvis, the stomach will gradually grow more and more.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks

In the period from 18 to 22 weeks, pregnant women are scheduled for the second planned ultrasound examination with the sex of the child, as well as studies of the main indicators reflecting the growth and development of the baby. Conducting this study aims to identify defects in the development of the fetus and gross malformations of the internal organs. the doctor carefully examines the heart and kidneys of the fetus for their abnormalities, can determine the suspected signs of Down syndrome or gross brain defects.

In addition, during fetal ultrasound, a detailed scan of the placenta takes place, its structure and umbilical cord with vessels are evaluated, and the main indicators are evaluated:

  • abdominal circumference and fetal head,
  • occipital-frontal size
  • sizes of tubular bones of the thigh, tibia, shoulder, and forearm.

It is also possible to carry out a 3D ultrasound with photos or recording a baby on a flash card.

Discharge from the genital tract

In this period of discharge from the genital tract should be very small and uniform, light or milky color, without impurities and unpleasant smell. They should not bring any discomfort to the future mother. In comparison with previous weeks, their number may be slightly higher due to the action of hormones.

It is worth worrying if the amount of discharge becomes abundant, their color changes to yellow, gray, greenish or frothy, tiny, itching and burning are formed, you can suspect sexually transmitted diseases or thrush, bacterial vaginosis. They are dangerous for pregnant women, so they should be treated immediately. Especially dangerous during pregnancy should be brown discharge, which may indicate the presence of erosion or other pathologies of the cervix, or bleeding, which may be a sign of placental abruption or abortion.

What tests to take

In the period of 18 weeks, a mandatory urinalysis is performed to exclude kidney pathologies, and if anemia is suspected, a complete blood count is performed. In this period, if this has not been done previously, a triple test may be conducted to identify possible fetal abnormalities, chromosomal pathology, and congenital defects of the nervous system. For this purpose, a study is conducted in the blood plasma:

  • hCG level (human chorionic gonadotropin),
  • unconjugated estriol levels
  • alpha fetoprotein levels.

The pronounced deviations of these results from the norms in combination with the ultrasound data allow us to suspect the presence of hydrocephalus or malformations of the brain, Down syndrome and some other pathologies in the baby. But these data are not conclusive, and they need genetic counseling and special invasive studies to confirm them. With the threat of gestosis or pregnancy complications, visits to the doctor will become more frequent, as well as testing. The doctor will monitor the weight of the woman, the increase in abdominal circumference, the height of the uterus and the pressure, general well-being.

Abdominal and lower back pain

In this period, the special painful manifestations should not be. Although there may be some uncomfortable feelings in the form of stifling in the back and lower back, in the pelvic bones. This is due to the increase in the size of the uterus and the tension of the ligaments, the change of the center of gravity. The load on the spine grows, and the body is forced to adopt new static postures. Because of what muscles and ligaments may experience discomfort. To prevent these pains, you need to relax more often, monitor your posture, wear comfortable shoes. Exercises for unloading the back and waist, wearing a bandage can be useful.

Pain in the back and abdomen can be signs of urinary tract and kidney infections, they can be accompanied by fever and pain when urinating. It is necessary to strictly control the process of urine separation. If the right side hurts, and the pain increases, it can be a sign of appendicitis, which is possible in pregnant women. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and conduct an examination. If the lower abdomen pulls, there are regular long-term abdominal pains with contractions and tension of the uterus, with the appearance of brown spotting, you need to immediately call an ambulance, this may be a sign of abortion.

Cold and runny nose

Although the child’s immune system is already working and can actively resist the effects of viruses and germs, a pregnant woman shouldn’t get sick, including colds. Especially dangerous is the presence of ARVI with high fever and poor general condition, runny nose and cough. A strong cough can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and a tone of the uterus, a runny nose can disturb normal breathing and cause hypoxia. High temperatures can pose a threat to pregnancy, causing placental abruption or miscarriages. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, bed rest and treatment is needed, but only under the supervision of a physician.

Diet and weight mom

At 18 weeks, the mother’s appetite is quite good and there is an active weight gain, as the child grows and the woman reorganizes to fit her needs. In this period, you can add from 4 to 6 kg, although if the woman is slim, the increase may be greater, and with the tendency to fullness - less. From this time it is necessary to control the increase in body weight, so as not to add too much - in labor it will be difficult. If the weight greatly exceeds the established norms, it is worth discussing with the doctor the use of a special diet or fasting days. Self-dieting or unloading is prohibited; this can harm your health and the child, since only the doctor will develop a diet with regard to the delivery of all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the fetus.

Food in this period should be complete and varied, healthy and correct. It is necessary to exclude from the food sweets and sugar, an excess of flour and confectionery products, to limit fatty and carbohydrate foods. Calcium-containing products such as dairy, nuts, as well as meat and fish, vegetables and fruits will be shown. You need to eat fractional, small portions, take extra vitamins, if the diet is not rich. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and spices, they retain water and can provoke swelling.

Signs of missed abortion

Although this is rarely the case at this time, sometimes there is such a pathology as the fading of pregnancy. At the same time the development of the fetus stops, and he dies in the womb. In this state, the fetus is not rejected by the woman’s body, and the mother may not be aware of what has happened for a long time. Usually this happens in the first trimester, and in the second, 16-18 weeks of gestation will be considered as critical periods. The main reasons for this are the presence of bad habits, infection, genetic pathology and the impact of external harmful factors.

Independently, such pathologies are not easy to identify - usually the first suspicion is the lack of abdominal growth and fetal movements, the appearance of aching abdominal pains and spotting. Exactly the diagnosis is established according to the ultrasound, and requires further curettage of the uterus as soon as possible. Further, long-term treatment and rehabilitation are necessary.

Sex on the eighteenth week

18 weeks of pregnancy is the heyday of the sensuality of a woman, although sex may not be so diverse in terms of poses and intensity, but it will be filled with tenderness and new sensations. Now the threat of termination of pregnancy is over, a quiet time has come and it is quite possible to make love as much as you want. The only thing is to avoid excessive depth of penetration and hard contact, posture, with pressure on the stomach. Otherwise, pleasant sensations and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the emotional tone of the woman and the baby. The ban on intimacy will be imposed with the threat of placental abruption, water leakage or multiple pregnancy, cervical failure.

The eighteenth week falls on the 5th month of pregnancy. This is an important stage in a woman’s life and child’s development. During this period of time, his brain is actively forming. The future mother herself no longer experiences symptoms of toxicosis, the stomach is not yet so large as to cause great inconvenience.

Overall, week 18 is relatively quiet for both — for mom and her baby — time. Speaking about the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy, they mean the 16th week of the fetus’s life, since gynecology is counted from the first day of the last menstruation of the woman, while conception usually occurs 1-2 weeks later.

What happens in the 18th week of pregnancy

The uterus with the child inside it reaches the navel level at week 18, which is why the woman experiences a certain discomfort. Her stomach is becoming more noticeable, it is almost impossible to hide it with clothes. Another 18 week is the time to purchase a special bandage for pregnant women, which allows to hold the stomach and prevent stretch marks on the skin.

Usually at this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother adds an average of 6 kg to her usual weight. Her breast becomes very sensitive, discharge from the nipples can be observed. Such secretions do not cause much concern. Their color is white, slightly yellowish. It is not recommended to massage the chest, especially if there is a threat of miscarriage. Such manipulations can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and as a result of spontaneous abortion.

Many women in this period of time do not neglect sexual intimate relationships with a partner, but sex in the 18th week of pregnancy becomes very monotonous. A growing belly makes a woman clumsy, besides, in certain positions she may experience discomfort. Deep penetration should be avoided.

Fetal development in the eighteenth week of pregnancy

The size of the fetus on average reaches 20 cm, its weight is 200-220 g. At this stage of development, the child’s nervous system continues to form. First of all, his brain grows, the first grooves and gyrus appear on it. The fetus has nerves, through which the brain sends impulses to various systems of its body, a thymus is formed - an important component of the human immune system.

It is known that at the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus actively reacts to external light stimuli. He catches where the mother is - in the dark or in bright daylight. In this case, the eyes of the unborn child are in the closed state. In general, his organs of vision are fully formed.

During this period, the fetus is very active. His body still fits easily in the uterus, he has enough space for somersaults and coups that can deliver many new sensations to his mother.

18 weeks

Your baby is the size of a pepper fruit.

Feelings on the 18th week of pregnancy

If during the whole pregnancy the child has not yet explicitly reminded of himself, then the 18th week is the most favorable moment for this. Almost all women in this period of time already feel fetal movements, many - several times a day.

If there is no movement in the 18th week of pregnancy, do not panic too. It should pass the ultrasound, most likely it will not show any abnormalities. Symptoms of activity of the future child will appear very soon, you need to wait. It is known that thin women start feeling their child much earlier than full ones. In the latter, the first pushes from the inside can occur for a period of 20 weeks.

At week 18, the expectant mother does not experience toxemia, but may face unpleasant symptoms that are new to her. First of all, with vertigo. Such dizziness are due to hypotension. In pregnant women, in the middle of the 2nd trimester, blood pressure can drop to very low values, which does not remain without a trace. In general, this state is not dangerous. More often it is typical for women prone to hypotension during life.

Pronounced signs of low blood pressure are a reason for contacting a specialist. Hypotension can harm the fetus, in particular, cause its oxygen starvation.

A woman in the 18th week of pregnancy changes her gait even more, this is due to the redistribution of the center of gravity. This can cause aching pain in the lower back. Pain in the area of ​​the buttocks and abdomen is more often associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the nerve plexuses located in these places.

With the exception of rare back pain and increasing pressure on the stomach from the inside, the expectant mother does not feel any unpleasant sensations by week 18.

Discharge in the eighteenth week of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy may increase the amount of discharge. There is no change in their color and consistency. The discharge remains clear or white, does not have a strong odor, does not cause unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​external genital organs.

On the development of infection indicate changes in secretions. They take on the appearance of flakes, become friable, have a pungent smell, change color to yellow, green or brown. Such symptoms are a reason for referring to a specialist. It is necessary to call an ambulance if the discharge has become abundant and contains blood.

Determination of the sex of the child in the 18 week

To determine the sex of the unborn child allows ultrasound. This can be done much earlier, at 14-16 weeks. Eighteen weeks old fetus already has a fully formed reproductive system, which makes it most likely to determine its sex. Also during the study, the doctor can determine its exact size, determine the size of the circumference of his head, the length of the limbs.

The ultrasound procedure is completely painless and safe despite the allegations that it harms the child. Its main value is still not in determining the sex of the fetus, but in detecting deviations in its development. Ultrasound allows you to diagnose the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, diseases associated with the chromosomal set in an unborn baby.

Required examinations in the eighteenth week

At the 18th week of pregnancy, it is necessary for the fourth time after registration to visit the gynecologist and undergo an examination. Do not forget at home a personal card, which contains important indicators, the results of tests carried out during pregnancy, etc. Then you should visit a therapist, weighed and measured blood pressure.

At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience kidney and bladder diseases. Also, pregnancy is the most suitable moment for exacerbation of many chronic pathologies. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to analyze urine, which allows to identify inflammatory processes in these organs.

In addition, it is necessary to undergo a clinical blood test, which allows to determine the condition of the body as a whole and diagnose diseases that could harm the child’s development. For women who have not yet been screened for the second trimester, this must be done right now. Experts advise doing a "triple test" even earlier, at 16 or 17 weeks of pregnancy. The test involves the study of the patient's venous blood for the content of hCG in it and certain hormones and proteins secreted by the fetus.

Additional studies are prescribed by a specialist if there are suspicions of any abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Week 18 is the second week of the fifth month. The second trimester continues, and the woman feels more and more how a new life is gradually maturing inside her, which very soon will make itself felt the first long-awaited cry - the cry of a beloved baby.


Feelings at the 18th week of pregnancy, very often give the expectant mother a new joy: it is this week that fetal movements become apparent. Some of the women could feel the first movements even earlier, but usually they fall on just the term of 18-22 weeks. Moreover, if mommy still does not feel the first fetal movements, there is no need to worry about a favorable pregnancy: it means that this is not the time. More often, the first movements of the fetus are felt a little later by women who are distinguished by some fullness. At that time, how to “fix” the activity of the baby a little earlier can thin young ladies, or give birth again.

By the way, if the future mother already senses the fetal movement, you should pay attention to their frequency: usually the baby “activates” up to 4-8 times per hour. If, on the 18th week of pregnancy, sensations of fetal movements occur more often, most likely, the baby does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, moving, he tries to make the heart beat faster, thus supplying more blood and oxygen. In this case, it is useful for the future mother to take care of herself to provide enough oxygen to the baby: it is useful to breathe often and deeply, walk more often in the fresh air, practice gymnastics or yoga, which will help to oxygenate the blood.

  Uterus in the 18th week of pregnancy

In addition to the joy of the first movements of such a beloved baby, the mother may experience some discomfort in the form of pressure on the navel from the inside. This is a consequence of the fact that the growing uterus at week 18 already reaches this level. The bottom of the uterus at about 18 weeks is about 2.5 cm below the navel, putting your hands on your waist and dropping your palms just below the navel on two fingers thick, you can grope the bottom of the uterus. The size of the uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy is similar to a small melon, and, due to its increase, the belly grows steadily.


Yes, the stomach at the 18th week of pregnancy is no longer concealed: he apparently grew up, raised himself and was noticeable to others. Increasingly, the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy is already “responsible” for shifting the center of gravity, and mommy often now has to deflect her shoulders somewhat — she has a peculiar gait characteristic of all pregnant women. Now the question of choosing the right clothes is even relevant: it is advisable to choose panties that support stomachs or shorts to help avoid back pain from an increased load on the spine.

  Fetus in the 18th week of pregnancy

And while Mommy decides on the choice of clothes and is preparing for the emergence of her crumbs, miracles continue to happen in her tummy. The fetus in the 18th week of pregnancy continues its development and improvement. So, the hands and legs, the phalanxes of the fingers of the baby are already fully formed. A unique, unique to the baby pattern - the so-called imprint appeared on the pads. Also fully formed genitals of the baby.

At the same time, the formation of adipose tissue is in full swing, the brain is developing. The baby’s immune system continues to develop, but his body is already able to produce interferon and immunoglobulin - substances that help resist viruses and infections.

Also, the rudiments of the molar teeth of the baby have already formed - they are much deeper than the rudiments of milk teeth. Although the eyes of the baby are still closed, the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy is already able to react to the light that penetrates into the mother's tummy. In addition, due to the increasing improvement of the hearing aid, it already distinguishes sounds, and therefore from this moment it is necessary to avoid harsh and loud noises. Already, you can start singing lullabies to your baby, playing classical music, reading fairy tales, and speaking to him through gentle and gentle intonations.

In the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus has a length of more than 14 cm, and weighs up to almost 200 g. Still, there is still enough space in the tummy for its “free” movement, which the baby successfully uses: it tumbles, twitches its legs and waves its arms flips over. It is believed that intrauterine movements go to the baby exclusively for the benefit, positively affecting the development of the muscular system and brain.


Between 18 and 22 weeks, the woman will be assigned a second ultrasound, and an ultrasound scan at the 18th week of pregnancy is quite capable of showing the sex of the unborn baby. But, first of all, ultrasound is necessary to detect any defects in the development of the fetus: congenital defects of the cardiovascular system, Down's disease, and heart defects. In addition, during the ultrasound examination, the placenta attachment site is examined, the risk of deviations of the normal course of pregnancy and the possibility of their timely adjustment if necessary are assessed. With the help of ultrasound in the 18th week of pregnancy, among other things, the circumference of the head and abdomen of the baby, the fronto-occipital size, the size of the long bones (femur, shoulder, forearm, tibia) are studied.


For a period of 18 weeks gestation, only urine analysis is compulsory - it provides an opportunity to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, you may need a blood test, first of all, to exclude the presence of anemia in a pregnant woman. The low level of hemoglobin in the mother’s body leads to the baby’s lack of necessary oxygen, which can cause certain pregnancy complications and contribute to the development of anemia in the baby after birth.

In order to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus of a pregnant woman, tests can be scheduled at 18 weeks of gestation, assessing the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body. The corresponding analysis is included in a comprehensive study, referred to as the "triple test." This name he received in connection with the study in parallel of three markers - in addition to hCG, also determined the levels of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and unconjugated estriol (NE). Any deviations from the indicators related to the norm may give reason to suggest the possible development of the Down syndrome, hydrocephalus and some other defects in the baby. However, such tests in the 18th week of pregnancy cannot be considered as the basis for the final diagnosis, but serve only as a reason for further research.

  Pain in the 18th week of pregnancy

Pregnancy for a period of 18 weeks can often be overshadowed by certain painful sensations, such as back pain, in the lumbar region, and pulling sensations in the abdomen.

There is evidence that almost every woman during pregnancy sometimes complains of back pain. Such pains in the 18th week of pregnancy are already encountered quite often: all because of the shifting center of gravity due to the increasing uterus and the increasing load on the spine. The nature of back pain can be quite different - the back can only be broken slightly, but the pain can be significant and acute (although such pain often occurs already in late pregnancy). You can prevent or alleviate pain in the 18th week of pregnancy in the back: by picking up a special supporting bandage, practicing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, controlling weight and resting enough (you should “unload” your back, lying down at least a few minutes several times a day).

For the same reasons as above, back pain may occur during pregnancy. But it also happens that pains in the 18th week of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be caused by difficulty with urination and the possible development of urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control urination and avoid hypothermia.

You also need to be sensitive to abdominal pain. For example, the sensations of a pulling abdomen in the side parts (but not spasmodic, but more of a piercing nature) correspond to the norm - pains at the 18th week of pregnancy in this case indicate stretching of the ligaments and tendons of the abdominal wall associated with the growth of the uterus. However, with the appearance of regular and prolonged abdominal pains of a cramping character, which, God forbid, are also accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, you should immediately call a doctor: this symptom indicates a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.


Speaking of secretions. Normally, the selection at week 18 is still light and of a uniform consistency, but their number may increase in comparison with previous weeks. If an increase in the amount of discharge is not accompanied by a change in their color, no itching or burning is observed, there is nothing to worry about. But with the appearance of green, yellow or purulent, cheesy discharge should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment - such discharge indicates the accession of the infection. In order to avoid such, it is recommended to exclude from the diet sugar and sweets, white flour products and regularly consume natural dairy products.


The question of nutrition in general should be approached with a large share of responsibility. It is no secret that nutrition in the 18th week of pregnancy, as, in fact, all the time of carrying a baby, should be balanced, diverse, as healthy as possible and sufficiently fortified. To eliminate sugar and sweets, as well as fatty foods, it is also necessary to avoid gaining excess weight, as well as to prevent diabetes of pregnant women. As a prophylaxis of calcium deficiency, dairy and fermented milk products are needed, ideally, skimmed kefir and cottage cheese should be included in the daily diet. In sufficient quantities on the table should also be low-fat varieties of meat and fish, which are the source of the necessary for the normal growth and development of baby protein.

To normalize digestion and to prevent constipation, fresh vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber and useful for vitamins growing in the womb of the body are needed. Regarding vitamins: at this stage, the expectant mother needs to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and folic acid, and in this regard apple juice with celery will be valuable. It is also necessary to take care that the iron-containing products are necessarily present in the diet: iron is necessary for the normal blood formation process that already occurs in the baby. Sources of iron are beef liver, buckwheat porridge, tomato juice, apples.

Diet at 18 weeks should be balanced in this way (and it should be adhered to in the future until the end of pregnancy) in order to avoid the edemas that may occur against the background of sodium retention in the body. First, it is necessary to significantly reduce salt intake. Secondly, monitor the amount of fluid you drink.

  Weight on the 18th week of pregnancy

By the fifth month of pregnancy, toxicosis, fortunately, is in the past. No wonder that mommy is now discovering an unprecedented appetite. However, with the diet you should be very careful: the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy may already increase by 4.5-6 kg, and you need to control weight gain without fail. After all, if the weight exceeds the shown norms, it will be much more difficult to bear a baby and then give birth to his mom, and it will also be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds after birth.

Therefore, if the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy exceeds the “allowed” rate of 6 kg, it is advisable to visit a doctor and discuss a possible diet with him. "Spontaneously" to prescribe a diet during pregnancy in any case is impossible: the child must receive the necessary amount of nutrients and nutrients. And to develop a suitable diet, which will enable the baby and all proteins, vitamins to provide, and weight control, will help a specialist.


The second trimester of pregnancy is the most suitable time for the resumption of intimate relationships, if they were interrupted due to the mommy's not very good state of health in the early stages of pregnancy. Sex in the 18th week of pregnancy can give future parents completely new impressions, bring them closer together, and contribute to an even better study of each other.

Mommy doesn’t feel the tummy, in which their common future baby “lives”, is not yet very big, ailments related to toxicosis, and therefore sensuality and desire for physical closeness can now increase significantly. And you can surrender to him completely calmly, though, without being overly zealous and “aktivnichaya” unnecessarily. Sex at the 18th week of pregnancy will not bring any problems, unless, of course, the pregnancy is no different uterine tone. And, of course, it is desirable to refrain from intimacy, if mommy suffers from some kind of infection.

Other, more rare reasons for a temporary refusal of sex on the testimony may be: low location of the placenta; diagnosis of habitual miscarriage; leakage of amniotic fluid; in some cases, multiple pregnancies.

  Fading Pregnancy

Pregnancy, which for some reason and for some reason is accompanied by the death and cessation of fetal development, determines pregnancy. Moreover, the fetus is not rejected by the mother’s body, but remains in the uterus, in connection with which the woman does not even suspect the tragedy.

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous in this regard - the period when the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of any negative factors. However, the risk of detecting a missed abortion remains at a later date: according to medical data, a period of 16–18 weeks is considered one of the critical ones.

The reasons why a missed abortion of 18 weeks may occur remain the same: fetal freezing provokes bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), genetic disorders, infections, harmful working conditions. Unfortunately, it is impossible for a woman to diagnose a missed pregnancy by herself: a pregnant woman “writes off” the absence of toxemia and engorgement of the mammary glands to increase the duration of pregnancy. But over time, these symptoms join aching or nagging pain in the lower back, smearing brown discharge. Pregnancy of 18 weeks is characteristic, plus the lack of fetal movement, which many mothers have already experienced before.

18 weeks of pregnancy are diagnosed during the next gynecological examination and during a planned ultrasound scan. And early curettage of the uterus in this case is a necessity, because the dead fetus contributes to the development of inflammatory processes. After a forced abortion, antibacterial therapy and subsequent abstinence from pregnancy planning will also be needed. So, after a frozen pregnancy, it is not recommended to think about becoming pregnant again, even for 6-12 months.

Antenatal period is one of the most crucial in the life of any woman. At this time, the pregnant woman's body is under enormous pressure on all systems and organs, because it is him who is responsible for the development of the fetus. During each week, the fetus goes through various stages of its development and, accordingly, the mother’s sensations also change with them. That is why it is important to pay attention to each sensation, its intensity and severity, this can serve as a sure signal that something is wrong with the fruit or, on the contrary, that everything is in order. In order to understand this question and to distinguish the norm from the pathology, our article was written.

Definition and how does the mother feel?

The 18th week of pregnancy is a term that corresponds to the second trimester and the second week of the 5th month or the 20th obstetric week. If you managed to hide your belly before, then just the 18th week is the time when it will be very difficult to do this, because your stomach already takes up the volume, which is comparable to a decent melon. A pleasant surprise for many mothers will be the sensations of the first movements of the child. It is worth noting the relative improvement in the status of pregnant women, which is achieved through the normalization of the endocrine system and the stabilization of hormonal levels.

Video - 18 week gestation of what is happening in the stomach, stirring, screening, appetite, playing sports

Signs, symptoms, sensations of the mother and the mechanism of their occurrence

Active weight gain and an intense growth of the child, leading to the fact that the walls of the uterus stretch and this gives her unpleasant feelings. The bottom of the uterus by this time is already located not far from the navel, or rather 1.5-2.5 cm above it. Because of its growth, all nearby organs are shifted, more precisely, the intestines, stomach, liver and spleen. However, not everything is so bad, so let's start with something pleasant.

1. Fetal movements

These are the feelings that often bring women only joy and do not wear any painful sensations. It is necessary to closely monitor their frequency, strength, because often this is a rather important point, which may indicate the state of health of the fetus.

2. Pigment spots

During this period, the first pigment spots may appear, which are located on the stomach and their appearance is associated with the deposition of melanin. At the moment, the mechanism of their occurrence is not known, but many scientists suggest that the cause is a violation of the endocrine system and against the background of metabolic disorders. The color of the stain can be completely different shades of brown. The size of the spot can also vary from a few centimeters to large areas of the skin.

3. Mass set

It is worth noting that before pregnancy, the woman weighed 5-6 kg less than at week 18. First of all, the body is preparing to provide for the child. The intensity of metabolism in a pregnant woman exceeds its performance in a healthy person, because the developing organism requires a fairly large amount of energy and nutrients. The reason for the excessive weight gain can be an improvement in the appetite of a pregnant woman, especially at night. Another reason may be a multiple pregnancy, but you can find out about this after an ultrasound scan.

4. Feeling of pressure in the navel

Often this sensation is marked with an increase in the uterus, which leads to stretching of the skin, and the cause may be a stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall - the abdominal muscles. Such sensations are noted mainly if the pregnant woman did not play sports and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weak. Such sensations may even be a little painful.

5. Striae or stretch marks

At first they look like stripes, which can be of a different color, mainly from purple to violet. At week 18, the direction of the bands is longitudinal, that is, bottom-up. Their appearance is due to the rapid stretching of the skin, that the skin does not have time to adapt to it. Two proteins collagen and elastin are responsible for stretching the skin. Elastin provides stretching of the skin to the maximum values, and collagen for preserving the integrity of its structures. When the reserves of these proteins are depleted, elastin breaks in the hypodermis and this leads to the formation of a scar. The preceding stretch marks often begin as a slight itch.

6. Back pain

This feeling arises in most women, but begins to actively develop itself only at week 18, when your child begins to gain weight. In addition, the action of hormones is aimed at relaxing the ligamentous apparatus in order to ensure adequate breathing of the pregnant woman and stretchability in the pelvic region, but in addition to this, the spinal ligaments are negatively affected, which helps to keep the weight of the fetus. Also, during pregnancy, the expectant mother changes posture, which gives even greater tension on the spine, especially on the lumbar region. In addition to the weight of the child, the pregnant woman also increases body weight.

7. Sleep disturbance

The main reasons that lead to sleep disturbance in pregnant women include an increase in blood concentration of progesterone, an increase in abdominal volume, pain in the back, discomfort in the navel, movement of the unborn baby, and so on. An increase in the abdomen and mass of the child leads to the fact that it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. This is facilitated by pain, stirring and other sensations that can bring discomfort. It is also impossible to exclude changes from the nervous system, because each mother is worried about her child, during childbirth, and some even at week 18 are not ready to get used to the idea that they will soon be mothers. All these phenomena lead to constant stress, which can affect in the form of sleep disorders.

8. Heartburn and upper abdominal pain

The rise in blood hormone progesterone relaxes the muscular layer of organs, in particular the stomach. There are valves between the stomach and the esophagus, as well as the duodenum, but their functioning directly depends on the functioning of the muscle fibers. When a pregnant woman eats, she passes through the esophagus and into the stomach. In the stomach, special cells begin to secrete hydrochloric acid and a special enzyme, pepsin, which is responsible for protein breakdown. When acid is released, the pH of the medium decreases and these changes fix the receptors, which, thanks to the nervous system, cause the valves to close with the help of muscle fibers. This prevents the acidic contents from entering the alkaline environment of the intestine or esophagus. In pregnant women, this mechanism is broken and often when overeating, the valve does not close completely or cannot hold a significant amount of food. Violation of the valves and leads to heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen.

9. Changes in the cardiovascular system

The fetus grows, and hence the load on the heart grows, because it must provide both the pregnant woman and the fetus with nutrients with oxygen. The first thing that is noted at such an early date is a decrease in blood pressure, but do not worry, this is normal. Thus, the heart adapts to the condition of the existence of the fetus and the increase in its requests from each week. The efficiency of the heart due to these changes increases significantly.

Description of fetal development

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing; it is during this period that the peak of development of such systems as musculoskeletal, nervous and endocrine systems falls. Growth of the child by this time already reaches 13-14 cm, and its weight is up to 200 g.

1. The central nervous system

The myelin protein begins to form around the nerves, which are responsible for the speed of nerve impulses. However, it is worth noting that this process does not end immediately after pregnancy, but continues for a year after it. Continuously the cerebral cortex develops, its area increases, furrows and gyrus acquire more and more clear forms. In the fetus, the blood-brain barrier is just forming, but the vascular system of the brain is already fully formed and can fully supply the brain with blood.

2. Endocrine system

The glands of the endocrine system are already at the stage of completing the formation of their structure, due to which they begin to actively secrete hormones. The greatest development reaches the adrenal glands and thymus. The release of hormones by the fetus is so intense that, if necessary or lack of hormones in the mother, the fetus can fully compensate for this condition, highlighting a sufficient amount of hormones for two. In such cases, physicians have noted an unhealthy tendency that such children eventually suffer from the disease of the same gland, which during pregnancy was under double load.

3. Musculoskeletal system

The final stages in the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the antenatal period are noted. Especially distinguished by the degree of development of the upper and lower limbs, you can already see the formed phalanxes of the fingers. It is at this stage of pregnancy with the help of an ultrasound that you can see for the first time how the baby sucks a finger.

4. Touch system

The eyes continue to develop, the retinal nerve cells have reached the degree of development that allows them to distinguish light from darkness. The child does not distinguish colors yet. But he is able to distinguish sounds, which is possible thanks to the auditory ossicles in the middle ear, which finish their formation by this date.

5. integuments

The skin of the fetus has not yet formed, it is characterized by considerable subtlety and tenderness. It looks wrinkled, vessels appear through it, which adds a red tint to the color of the skin.


The main principles of rational nutrition for pregnant women with a period of 18 weeks is fragmentation and complexity. Eat at least 5-6 times, but in small portions it will relieve you from heartburn, ensure higher food efficiency and prevent you from gaining weight quickly. With regard to the complexity of nutrition, then it is necessary to ensure that your food is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The average demand for the energy value of pregnant women at week 18 is 2800–3000 kcal. The amount of protein in your food should be 3 times less than carbohydrates.

The advantage in nutrition should be given to fruits, vegetables and root crops, because they are rich in fiber, which will save you from constipation. It is not recommended to use a significant amount of sweets, the maximum amount of sugar that can be consumed per day is 40 g. It is recommended to drink water at the rate of 0.035 l per kg of body weight.

You should consult with your doctor whether you should take vitamins and other supplements that will provide you and the fruit with all the necessary substances and trace elements.

1. Painfulness in the navel

With pain in the navel, which can be attributed to weak muscles and stretching of the skin should consult a doctor. Indeed, in addition to this, the reason may be:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • intestinal infection;
  • umbilical hernia.

The presence of any of these diseases may adversely affect the course of pregnancy.


In order to avoid the occurrence of stretch marks should be further nourish the skin. The first remedy that should be applied is a moisturizer. Secondly, a light massage of the abdominal skin will provide an increase in blood flow to the skin, which will enhance its nutrition and provide an opportunity to speed up the renewal of the skin cells, making it more durable and elastic. Third, control your weight, because obesity will only exacerbate striae. Abundant nutrition will lead to the deposition of fat in the thighs, abdomen and chest, which will over-stretch the skin.

3. Back pain

In case of back pain, it is also necessary to be on guard, since in addition to pregnancy, such sensations can give pyelonephritis, the threat of miscarriage and other diseases. It is recommended to regularly measure the temperature, also pay attention to the nature of the pain, if the pain is muscular type, then this is most likely due to the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back. Acute pain of intense intensity is a symptom of the disease. That is why you should be regularly examined by a doctor and not hide all feelings that you are worried about.

4. Heartburn

You can completely get rid of such a feeling as heartburn by following a few rules. The number of meals should increase to 5-6 times a day, but its volume will decrease. This will save you from overeating, but will not give you to starve. After the meal, in no case should you immediately go to bed and moreover sleep. During sleep, the processes of digestion slow down, and gastric contents with great pressure put pressure on the valve, which is located between the stomach and the esophagus. It is not recommended to drink a large amount of liquid after a meal, because thereby you dilute hydrochloric acid and increase the duration of food digestion.

5. Communication with the child

As already written above, the child has already formed sensory organs, so it is worth starting with 18 weeks to begin to communicate with him. Experts recommend reading them fairy tales, talking, singing lullabies, you still have to do it over time. Many people believe that classical music has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. It is worth noting that scientists have proved the connection between the communication of mother and child in the antenatal period and the degree of manifestation of mental abilities.


During this period, you will expect another ultrasound, which will provide an opportunity to assess the condition of the child. For the doctor, the main points are the location and condition of the umbilical cord. Next, they pay attention to the presence or absence of the most common developmental abnormalities, firstly, from the side of the cardiovascular system, secondly, the child’s height and main dimensions are measured, to check the timeliness of its development, thirdly, the sex glands will be examined and gender baby.

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